Friday, August 6, 2010

Under Construction

If you've attempted to visit our website ( recently, you might be confused as to why you automatically get sent to our blog. It's simply because we've decided to come to terms with reality and put the website under construction until we have time to update and redo it. Yes, it might not have been the most abominable website out there on the internet. However, there is definite room for improvement. Most of the information was outdated and the photos were years old, taken with equipment that we don't even own anymore. It might be awhile until it gets back up and running, but until then feel free to visit our blog. If you have questions about pricing or scheduling here's our contact information:

David Clyde, Photographer
(435) 227-5032


  1. I was recommended to you by Matt and Shannon for my Wedding. I would love to see what kind of packages you have and what your prices are like. If you could get me some information that would be great!

  2. Taisa, Congrats on your engagement. If you would email me a little more about your wedding, I would be glade to get back to you with package options. My email address is

