Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mary Lebarge Senior Shoot

Okay, okay, okay, this shoot was way too much fun ! Mary wanted to do her senior pictures here before she headed back to Pennsylvania for the school year and we can't even begin to say how lucky we are that she let us do them. Seriously, this girl was a natural in front of the camera. We didn't even have to tell her what to do or how to pose, she just threw out her quirky and sassy poses all on her own. We loved every minute of this shoot. If it hadn't been for the sun going down, we might've been out there taking pictures all night long!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Straatman Family Shoot

This family photo shoot was scheduled on short notice, but we were so glad we were able to do it. From the pictures you can easily tell what an adorable family we were working with. However, what the pictures don't show is how well behaved and easy to work with they all were. Two of the girls were even sick that day (the youngest had a fever of 103!) but they were still so pleasant and enjoyable to work with.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shannon & Matt Wedding

They did it! They're married! After shooting their engagements and pre-wedding photos it was fun to be there and do the photography for their actually wedding day.
This was our first time shooting at the Manti Temple, and we enjoyed the variety that it provided. Right before the wedding it was terribly terribly stormy, but it cleared up in time for pictures. It was as close to perfect picture weather as we could hope for: No sun, no wind, no rain. Unfortunately, there weren't any of the cool storm clouds left in the sky, but other than that we'd say this wedding day was "picture perfect."

Friday, August 6, 2010

Under Construction

If you've attempted to visit our website (www.clyde-photography.com) recently, you might be confused as to why you automatically get sent to our blog. It's simply because we've decided to come to terms with reality and put the website under construction until we have time to update and redo it. Yes, it might not have been the most abominable website out there on the internet. However, there is definite room for improvement. Most of the information was outdated and the photos were years old, taken with equipment that we don't even own anymore. It might be awhile until it gets back up and running, but until then feel free to visit our blog. If you have questions about pricing or scheduling here's our contact information:

David Clyde, Photographer
(435) 227-5032

Monday, August 2, 2010

Shannon & Matt Pre-Wedding Shoot

This was a fun pre-wedding shoot to do. Despite the fact that we were running out of time and light we were able to grab some great pictures for Shannon and Matt to use at their reception. We're looking forward to covering their wedding too, in just a few short days!